Welcome to 2021 – Everything starts with you!
Why does everything start with you?
If you are unhappy about any aspect of your life, in order to change any of it, you have to start with yourself – it’s usually the one thing you have complete control over. The external factors, the environment, other people, the economy etc are not areas that YOU can change in isolation.
There’s a reason when you fly that the flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. If you run out of oxygen you cannot help anyone else with their masks. The brutal reality is if you run out of oxygen you will die
Hopefully we will never be in this position when flying to Benidorm, however we can find ourselves regularly in this position in our everyday lives. We take care of others all the time, our children, friends, employees, clients, parents and more, but this can come at a cost if we put the needs of others before our own. The costs and impacts on our wellbeing, mental, physical, emotional health, burnout, relationships can be damaged and our self-esteem, self-compassion and self-worth
If we don’t take care our yourself first, how can we recharge our batteries, replace the energy we’ve depleted and improve our physical, emotional and mental resilience levels in order to continue to take care of others?.....
So, start with you!
Take care of yourself first – always!
Put your oxygen mask on before anyone else’s!
To find out more about how to do this consistently in your life click here
#basicswithbaker #putyouroxygenmaskonfirst #everythingstartswithyou