You’re always one decision away from a totally different life...

The HR FOR HR Story so far


We’re obsessively passionate about HR and the amazing individuals, teams, departments, experts, independents, specialists, students businesses who work within it – because everything starts with you!

We are who HR go to when they need the type of support that we in HR provide to others.

HR is one of the least understood people professions, one of the least understood functions in business but we see this as an opportunity! We’re committed to demystifying what HR is and isn’t, and to changing the narrative – HR does not stand for Human Remains! 😊

HR is at the very heart of the business – each department is connected to HR in some way, HR provides a service to every employee, at every level, at every location, in every role. We know that more and more people in HR are not considering their own needs before helping/supporting others, are experiencing symptoms or impacted by burnout, and are even leaving the profession due to the overwhelm, expectations and emotional drain of the role.

This is why we are on a mission to transform the HR world! To get real about ensuring businesses know the value of HR as a service but also truly get what the awesome individuals and teams really do and really need to thrive.

We’re excited to share our voice, our mission, our values through our products, services, conversations and community, to provide a platform for others in HR to truly feel valued.

At our core we are here for you!

What we believe

  • HR are humans too

  • HR are employees too

  • HR must put their oxygen masks on first before they can help others with theirs

  • HR have careers, challenges, opportunities, mental health, families, pets, lives! like everyone else

What we do

We provide a full range of support to the HR profession. Our focus is you! and this focus can extend to your HR team, your HR departments/functions and any other people focused professions such as Recruitment, Occupational Health and more. 

We are fed up of our profession wondering who is there to help them, who do they go to for the same care and support that they are providing to others…..  So we created a business built with care, love, authenticity and a wealth of HR experience so that our wonderful profession doesn’t have to wonder anymore 😊

We truly understand because we have lived experience, we haven’t created the business on a whim, we genuinely know what it feel like to work within HR and have a grievance raised against you by someone you were trying everything to support, we 100% know what its like to juggle too many balls, wonder if HR is the right career path, and if anyone knows that some days we are simply peopled out ☹ But…… we also truly know that HR is really rewarding too, that having the gifts, yes gifts! to work with people every day with empathy, with care and finding creative solutions to problems adds huge value to others lives as well as our own 😊

Get to know our Founder, Claire Roberts – Mover, Shaker, change maker

After hitting a burnout brick wall in 2017, founder Claire Roberts made it her mission to share her story to inspire and influence others in HR to put their emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing first, without guilt, without compromising, without fear of what others may think or not think.

Unable to find any HR specific support throughout her career, not just from a wellbeing perspective, but also when she had grievances raised against her by employees, when she was bullied and intimidated by rejected candidates and when she was supporting terminally ill employees and their families, Claire made the biggest choice of her career so far.  To end her professional HR career of more than 20 years and to focus on creating a business that provides the HR profession with the same support and care that we in HR provide to others. HR FOR HR was officially born in 2019 launched at an awesome CIPD Wales event in Cardiff, and the rest as they say, is history.

Claire Baker - you are on mute

My story begins with a very simple (you’d think) question: Who is looking after HR?

I’ve worked in SME’s, Global Corporates and had my own HR Consultancy, and still found myself asking this question, firstly for myself and then for HR teams and now within the HR profession as a whole.

Like many of you reading this I’ve dealt with subjects, topics, people that I could never have been trained or prepared to deal with. Within my 20+ year HR career I have felt lost, isolated and alone even though outwardly I was the life of the party, always smiling, helping and supporting anyone that needed it and those who didn’t 😊 – but this was just the scaffolding I created (along with a trouser suit and killer heels) to keep me upright, to stop me falling over.  I feared looking incompetent, weak, thought I’d lose my job, scared I’d be judged – the list goes on. 

Since 2019 I have shared, and will continue to share, my journey very openly, and I absolutely know my story is far from unique within our profession.  This is the driving force behind HR FOR HR.  The biggest value that I add to individuals and businesses as a HR Coach is that I truly understand the rollercoaster of being in our amazing people profession, the challenges, complexities, the joys, how we can transform lives, and yes even the shit shovelling at times.

This means that the tools, methods and services that I have created are absolutely aligned with the humans in HR – that’s you by the way, yes you are a human! You have basic needs, values, an identity, purpose which may over time have been worn down or hidden by life, by expectations, demands, workload, a global pandemic!.....

I don’t want to change the HR profession alone. I want to change the HR profession by helping people like you, who want to change the HR profession too.

Because everything starts with you.

Much love xx


Keys things to know about me

  1. I’m down to earth, love to inject fun in everything I do/create and use ‘expressive language’

  2. Authenticity, honesty and vulnerability are super important to me – see point 1 😊

  3. My favourite saying is ‘Everyone smells when they sh!t’, taught to me by my Mum from a very very young age

  4. I love beetroot, books, fresh bedding, anything with hearts on and huge cwtches with my son – not necessarily in that order

  5. My prize possessions are my glasses or contact lenses - purely practical, my weighted blanket - pure self-care, and photos of my Mum as she is no longer with us (love & miss you Mum!) - pure heartwarmingness (yes that is a made-up word) and they are irreplaceable

Humble, yet honoured

We’ve also earned a few accolades. Rewards and recognition are so fab to receive, but we really do what we do to make a genuine difference in the HR world 😊


To Infinity and Beyond!

We have a lot planned for the coming year, including launching The Real HR Programme, creating different types of Retreats and lots of getting out there continuing to use our voice, products and services to increase the true understanding of HR to influence the whole HR profession to thrive.  Whether you are part of it, employ HR professionals, use HR consultancies, provide services to the people profession you can be part of the much-needed changes in HR.  Join our mailing list to hear about what we are doing next.